Forged steel gate valves is a type of gate valve whose body parts are made of forging material. Similarly to large gate valves, the gate of the forged steel gate valve moves along the vertical plane perpendicular to centre axis of flow cavity or bore. These valves is mainly in use for on-off function in the process pipeline system. Forged steel gate valves are widely preferred valves. These are desinged and manufactured as per API 602 standards and are usually available in size range from 1/2" to 2" and lastly pressure rating like 800#, 1500# and 2500#.Â

Function of Forged Steel Gate Valves
Likewise, forged Gate valves are similar in function as cast steel gate valves in function. These are widely useful for on-off the flow of liquids and gases rather than for flow control (regulation). Flow control is generally done with a globe valve. When fully open, the typical gate valve has no obstruction in the flow path, thus resulting in very low flow resistance. The size of the open flow path generally varies in a nonlinear manner as the gate is moved. This means that the flow rate does not change evenly with stem travel. Depending on the construction, a partially open gate can vibrate from the fluid flow.
Operation of Forged Steel Gate Valves
Identically to cast steel valves, forged steel gate valves are actuated by threaded stem that connects the actuator (e.g. handwheel or motor) to the wedge (gate). They are therefore characterize as having usually a rising stem, generally depending on which end of the stem is threaded. Rising stems are fixed to the gate and rise and lower together as the valve is operated. Therefore it also provides a visual indication of valve position. The actuator is attached to a nut that is rotated around the threaded stem to move it.
Forged Steel Gate valves may usually have socket weld ends, thread ends ( NPTF or BSPF) or have welded flanges ends according to pipeline-compatible flange dimensional standards. Forged Steel Gate valves are typically carbon steel forgings, alloy steel forgings and stainless steel forgings. Available pressure ratings are 800#, 1500# and 2500#.
Construction of Forged Steel Gate Valves

Bolted Bonnet & Welded Bonnet
Bolted Bonnets altogether provide leak-proof enclosure for the valve body. Forged Steel Gate valves may generally have bolted bonnet or sometimes a welded bonnet. Bolted bonnet is the simplest, offering a durable, pressure-tight seal and are used with a gasket normally. Besides, a welded bonnet is used where the valves are intended to be buried or zero leak at longer service duration are required. These requirements are fulfilled as per API 602 standard.
Applications of Forged Steel Gate Valves
Presently, industrial applications such as oil and gas, petrochemicals, chemical, power generation, mining and industries use this valves. Additionally, these forged steel gate valves are preferred for steam distribution lines as well and steam service.Â

Why Select and Use Forged Steel Gate Valves ?
Easy Availability
Ideal for small size standardised applications.
Economic Cost
Wide Range of pressure rating capacity from 150# low pressure to high pressure up to 2500#Â
Easy Operation
Easy Maintenance and handling
Available in Stock and shorter lead times
Rigid and Robust Construction
Wide Variety of internal trim parts variants
Long Service Life
ON-OFF Duty only
Get more information on Forged Steel Gate valves
Forged Steel Gate Valve General Specifications
Size Range – 1/2″ to 2″
Pressure Rating – 800#, 900#, 1500#
Available in socket weld ends, Threaded Ends ( NPTF / BSPF), Welded Flanges
Certifications – IBR, CE, etc.
Inspected & Witnessed By third party agencies
API Valves, ATex Valves, CE Valves, Process Valves, Gas Valves, Water Valves, Cryogenic Service, Fire Safe